
17470 Сант-Педро-Пескадор


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Detached single storey cottage with three bedrooms. 2 bathrooms and a private pool. The property is located in a residential area of \u200b\u200bSant Pere Pescador. just 200 meters from the town center. the shops and restaurantes. The beach is just 1.5 km from the house and is considered one of the best beaches in Costa Brava is located in the center of the Bay of Roses. The beach is 6 km long and shallow waters ideal for families with children. There are also designated areas for sports such as kite surfing and windsurfing.

Ближайшие пляжи: пляж ла-Чаррака, пляж Сан-Педро-Пескадор, пляж де-ла-Гола и 2 пляжа более менее 5 км

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